Bieber All Grown Up!
It seems like the young badboy heart throb, Justin Bieber has now step into the fashion world and stripped down for a Calvin Klein campaign; but without ridiqcule theres some people saying that his ad would not be as breathtaking without the help of photoshop. Biebers, hair, abs and lower astremity looks to have been buffed up to make the artist alot more appealing, like if he already needed that. Bieber, is not the only one to have blessed Clavin Klein with there badboy image, Mark Wahlberg in 1992 gave fans a memorable campaign that is still talked about and considered to be one of CK's best ads.
When it comes to promotion in this new fashion world with all the digitial and software toys Adobe photoshop has become the premier software to use to enhance pictures. It has become so much the norm, that we expect retouched images especially when it comes to high end fashion campaigns. We as photographers and retouchers can nolonger keep an image in its raw look, because the perception of image is the key in the entertainment world. Clients as well as the readers, loves and look forward to a clean glamoured image. Readers, fans , magazines and designers would not want to view a model in all there defects or blemishes so to speak, it wouldn't be flattering! A great (A list ) model with and awsome photographer and retoucher can propel a model along with the designer and magazine. To be frank, readers don't want to see there favorite artist or model without makeup, this is truely what photoshop is, its the digitial makeup that can be applied instentaneously that gives the model their expected appeal. So don't be mad at photoshop or your favorite Celeb for being photoshopped just respect perception and enjoy the illusion.. Haa